Roger Murdock Awards: Exceptional Co-Pilots of Q2


Scratch highlights individual team members for quarterly performance awards.

In our recent blog post, we explained what it means to be an exceptional co-pilot and proudly named our Roger Murdock Award winners for Q1. Now, as Q2 has ended, it is time for those winners to pass on the baton. Before announcing the Q2 winners, here’s a brief recap of what Scratch’s Roger Murdock Awards mean:

Named after the greatest co-pilot of all time from the 1980 motion picture Airplane! (“Roger, Roger”), these awards recognize Scratch’s employees (“co-pilots”) for going above and beyond normal standards—including exceptional performance across both client work and internal Scratch projects.

Without further ado, Scratch is excited to announce the Roger Murdock Award winners for Q2, recognizing four individuals who stand out for their all-around outstanding work. Never an easy decision but always well-deserved, Scratch is extending a warm congratulations to Lo, Lexi, Shannon, and Sara! 

Gold: Laura (Lo) Wills, Creative Director

Laura Wills, or Lo for short, is Scratch’s go-to guru for all things creative. We’re more than lucky to have her as our Creative Director—not only is she a multi-award-winning designer and creative, but she is always ready to help her coworkers and clients achieve their visions. Lo has exceeded Scratch’s expectations as the liaison between Scratch’s design team and client partners—and with years of evolving experience, she never fails to bring an idea to life through unique style and outside-the-box thinking.

Silver: Lexi Herosian, Senior Account Executive

Lexi was awarded for her excellence as a Senior Account Executive at Scratch. Always taking initiative on the public relations and social media teams, Lexi is a constant reminder of what we look for in our co-pilots. When there is work to be done, she is the first to volunteer and is always there to help her coworkers and client partners when in need. Lexi may be one of Scratch’s youngest employees, but she has already proven herself to be a natural leader in her field. From her beginnings at Scratch as an intern during her senior year of college, Lexi has been an instrumental part of the team for nearly two years now—and we are so lucky to have her!

Bronze: Shannon Mullins, Senior Account Executive & Sara DeMoranville, Marketing & PR Intern

Shannon and Sara have both risen above their expectations at Scratch, and for that reason, both have been recognized for this award. While they have different roles, these two women have stepped up wherever needed and have contributed to the success of Scratch and its clients. 

Shannon is a Senior Account Executive and first started at Scratch as a Public Relations Intern during the summer of 2018. She was awarded for her unwavering dedication—not only to helping her client partners succeed, but also for helping Scratch succeed along with them. Her leadership and communication skills make her a strong asset to both the public relations and social media teams. And while her well-thought out client deliverables may seem effortless, it never goes unnoticed. 

Sara is Scratch’s Marketing & Public Relations Intern, and although she joined the team during the pandemic in an entirely virtual setting, she didn’t let that stop her from becoming a fully integrated member of the team. From the start of her time at Scratch, she took initiative to educate herself and achieve the right skills and certifications she needed to succeed. Now, she is taking on highly advanced tasks, and helping the Scratch team and its clients grow in more ways than one! 

These Co-Pilots Are Helping Scratch Fly and Client Partners Soar 

Thank you Lo, Lexi, Shannon, and Sara for exceeding expectations and helping Scratch and its clients reach new heights. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we measure our own success through the growth and achievements that we see in them. 

Congratulations to the well-deserved award winners—the Scratch team can’t wait to see what’s in-store for these four influential women in Q3!

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