Flying High in 2022: Our Scratch Co-Pilot Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone!

We hope you had a safe and healthy 2021. The team at Scratch is optimistic for another successful year ahead. With 11 months to go, we know you can achieve all your New Year’s resolutions!

We have so many interests here at Scratch that make each co-pilot unique and our New Year’s resolutions are no different. While creating goals and resolutions benefits our personal growth, they can also positively impact our day-to-day operations in the workplace too.

From expanding our hobbies to growing in a more personal or professional way, our resolutions can inevitably make our work better to keep us motivated to meet a level of growth that surpasses the year prior. 

In that spirit, we would like to share some of our co-pilots New Year’s resolutions from the Scratch team.

Nicole Panas – Senior Marketing Director

“To manage stress better. Both for less internal anxiety and outwardly so as not to push stress on others.”

Caroline Statile – Account Manager

“My New Year’s resolution is to read 20 books :)”

Amy Koski – Senior Content Strategist

“To become more systematic in my self-editing approach. I recently read a fabulous, methodical approach to editing one’s own writing in the Enchanting Marketing newsletter, and I want to turn it into a checklist to follow when I work.”

Anya Nelson – SVP, Public Relations Practice Lead

“Spend less time on the phone and social media, read more books, take more trips, declutter the house, prioritize good nutrition and regular exercise.”

Lora Kratchounova – Principal 

“Travel. Travel. Travel. And spend more time with people I love.”

Robert Kerstens – Senior Content Strategist

“To read more books!”

Sara DeMoranville – Senior Account Executive

“Surf more 🙂 Explore, take more weekend trips and make progress with music — find opportunities to perform, record, and collaborate.”

John Laudani – Account Coordinator

“Not to think too far ahead and be ground myself with what I currently have”

Emilie Jurion – Senior Account Executive

“Visit family and friends from out of town often. Be mindful of how much trash I’m accumulating and do my part for our planet. Also to make an effort to try new recipes and make home cooked meals.”

Brooke Hanson – Senior Graphic Designer

“Travel more! And enforce more sustainable decisions in everyday habits (monitor food waste, recycling etc.)”

No resolution is too big or too small. All that matters is whether or not you believe you can achieve them. The co-pilots at Scratch wish you a 2022 full of growth, happiness, and health!

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