Client Coverage Spotlight: Kitewheel Survey

Data, data, data! Every journalist wants data that reveals a truth about some aspect of the world. Nothing new there, however, creating data that stands out amongst a seemingly endless tide of numbers is an art form. One we at Scratch do pretty well in my humble opinion.

Case in point, our client Kitewheel published an agency-focused survey revealing that agencies and brands see no end to the ongoing technology arms race. Did you catch the truth revealed by the data? Hint: it was visibility into a common trend. You’ll have to read the coverage to learn more (eMarketer, MarTech Today, Marketing Land, MediaPost Agency Daily, Mobile Marketing Magazine, Samsung Insights, Customer Think)!
Good data isn’t just about making a reporter salivate, it’s also attractive to prospects. This report had been downloaded 109 times as of this post.

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